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Since Ward first launched the saga as a surreal short film in 2008, its episodes have oscillated between the deep, existential yearnings of diverse characters waking up to the world and sophomoric gags, sometimes within the span of a few minutes. Yet from its early days, “Adventure Time” not only enthralled younger viewers but managed to win over countless older ones initially skeptical to its appeal. 'Rick & Morty's Thanksploitation Spectacular' Review: Keith David Gets a Well-Earned Moment in the Spotlightġ9 Best Erotic Thrillers, from Adrian Lyne to Brian De Palma People at the network were scratching their heads.”Ī New Report Confirms It: Your Kids Have Pretty Much Stopped Watching Linear TV

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“It was a creative and unique show,” said one former Cartoon Network staffer.

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Not its reclusive creator, Pendleton Ward, who left his top job on the show two years ago, and certainly not Cartoon Network, which never knew quite how to handle its success. “Adventure Time” was a trailblazer that nobody saw coming.

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